All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make any such preference, limitation, or discrimination." We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. |
Photos Tab
The Photos tab contains all Photos, Virtual Tours, and Videos associated with a listing. The links appear for all items that are present for a listing. On the Photos tab, navigate among listings to quickly scan through the available photos, videos, and virtual tours.
Photos will automatically resize according to the size of your screen. You may navigate between photos using one of three tools:
- Arrow buttons � Click on the arrows to move between photos.
- Drop-down list � Click on a photo name to select the photo you would like to view.
- Filmstrip � Click on the thumbnail photo to view the large photo.
Full Screen
To view the photos in Full Screen mode, click the button in the lower left corner of the Photos tab. Full screen mode collapses both the summary list and the filmstrip to maximize the photo viewing area. To return to the normal Photos tab view, click the button again. To hide the thumbnail filmstrip, click on the down arrow in the lower right corner of the Photos tab. The button will change to display an up arrow; click this arrow to restore the thumbnail filmstrip.
Videos will display embedded within the Search Results window. Click the Play button to play the listing video.
Edit Search - West Phoenix Map Search
Searching on the Map
To narrow your search on the map, you may define search shapes (rectangles, circles, and polygons) where you would like to look for listings. To remove a search area, locate the shape in the search criteria panel, and click on the blue X next to the shape name.
- To create a rectangular search area, click on the rectangle shape, then click on the map to define one corner of your rectangle. Move your mouse until the rectangle is the desired size, and click again to complete the shape.
- To create a circular search area, click on the circle shape, then click on the map to set the center of your search. Move your mouse to increase the radius of the search from that center point, click again to complete the circle.
- To create an irregular-shaped search area, click on the polygon in your Search Areas box, then click on the map to define the first corner of your polygon. Click to define the remaining search boundaries. Your polygon can have as many points as you need to define your search area. Double-click to complete your polygon.
- Multiple Search Shapes - When using multiple search shapes, you may choose if you would like to search only the intersection of those shapes by placing a check in the box marked Intersection.
Moving the West Valley Map
- Pan – The Pan Tool is the default tool selection when you enter flexmls Mapping. Using the Pan Tool, you may move the map in any direction. To use the Pan Tool, click and hold, and move the map in any direction. When you release the mouse button, the map will stop moving.
- Navigation Arrows – By using the arrow buttons above the zoom bar, you may move the map in the direction indicated by the arrow.
- Keyboard Pan - You may use the arrow keys on your keyboard to pan the map in small increments. The Up, Down, Left, and Right arrow keys all work independently, or you may move diagonally by holding two keys together, such as Left and Up.
To adjust the zoom level to display a larger or smaller area, you have four options:
- Scroll Wheel – if your mouse is equipped with a scroll wheel, scrolling will increase or decrease the zoom level, centering the map at the cursor point.
- Double-Click – double-click at a point on the map to zoom and center at that location.
- Zoom Bar – to maintain the current map center but adjust the magnification, use the zoom bar in the upper left corner of the mapping screen. Click the + or - buttons to move the zoom level up or down.
- Zoom Tool – The green plus sign is your Zoom Tool. Click on the green plus sign to select the Zoom Tool, which then changes the cursor to an arrow with a question mark. While the Zoom Tool is selected, you may click once to re-center the map at the click location, or you may click, hold, and release to draw a zoom area.
Nosy Neighbor in the west valley
Next to the search shape tools, the Nosy Neighbor tool allows you to click on a point on the map to bring up listing information. The parcel dimensions, where available, will display, and a mini listing history. Click on the link marked Select to place one of the historical listings on your selected tab. Click on the listing number to view its listing report in a separate window.
Map Display Buttons
Back/Forward Buttons – Similar to your web browser, flexmls Mapping includes buttons to move between displays. If you would like to revert to the previous mapping zoom level or focus, click the back button (left arrow). From there, you may return to the most recent zoom level or focus by clicking the forward button (right arrow).
Display all Points on Map – Click the button in between the Back/Forward buttons to return to the initial map view where all plotted points are visible. This tool is handy if you have moved the map to a point where you have lost perspective.
Use the Measuring tool to measure distances on the map. Select the tool, click once on the map to begin measuring, move the mouse to the first point you’d like to measure. You may continue measuring segments on the map by repeating the process. Double click to clear the current measurements and begin again.
Color Legend
In the lower right corner of the mapping screen, click the color wheel icon to bring up the color legend. The initial view of the color legend will display different colored dots that correspond to the statuses of the properties that are plotted on the map. Click on the drop-down arrow to change the colored listing dots to display graded colors to show the listings by Price or by Price/Square Foot. This feature allows you to visually track price trends among mapped listings.
Locate Address
Click on the pushpin icon to locate a point on the map. If the address is found immediately, the point will appear as a pushpin on the map. If there are multiple possible matches, you will be presented with a list of matching locations to choose from. If no locations match your search criteria, you will be given the option to edit the address that you are searching for, or manually locate the location on the map.
Click on the drop-down list in the upper right corner of the map tab to view available overlays. You may choose if you would like to hide the listing icons or drawn shapes on your map. For example, you may choose to hide Drawn Shapes from the map. This hides, but does not remove the shapes as earch criteria.
Menu Options
Using the menu options at the upper right corner of your Portal page, you may:
- Return to the portal dashboard by clicking My Account,
- Contact your agent about a listing by clicking the Contact button,
- or, Log Out of your portal by clicking Log Off
Using the menu options at the top left of your viewing panel you may also,
- Share the current listing or selected listings with others over e-mail, or to a variety of social networking sites by clicking Share,
- Print listing information by clicking Print,
- Save selected listings to a Listing Cart by clicking the Save icon.